Latest News
Celebrating 10 years of Service
Celebrating 10 Years of Service at The Vine Inn Barossa Community HotelSo much to say about Chris Linden. He is now celebrating 10 years as CEO of the Vine Inn and has achieved such an impressive list of changes in the last decade, not just on the outside, but on the...
New Outdoor Pool Area Opened
New Pool Area Opened The Vine Inn Barossa Community Hotel is excited to open our recently refurbished pool area. If you had stayed with us previously and used our pool, you may have remembered its blue painted surface. That has now been removed, acid-washed and full...
Charity Golf Day 2019
Vine Inn Charity Golf Day 2019 Raise $10,770This year the Vine Inn charity golf day raised a record breaking $10,770. The raising of these funds would not be possible without the local community and our sponsors participation and generosity. If you assisted us in any...
Vine Inn Charity Golf Day 2019
Vine Inn Charity Golf Day 2019 18 Hole Ambrose competition in teams of 4. All money raised will be donated back into the Barossa community.Event Details: WHEN: Wednesday 23rd October, 2019WHERE: Barossa Valley Golf Club, 191 Golf Course Rd, Kalimna.TIME: Check In from...
Winners of Best Community Service & Support – Nationally
National Winners of Best Community Service AwardThe nation’s best hotels were recognised at a gala ceremony on Queensland’s Gold Coast on September 9, 2019 and the Vine Inn is proud to have been awarded the Australian Hotel Industry's 2019 Award for Best Community...
Best Community Service & Support Winner
We are proud to have been awarded the AHA|SA 2019 Award for Best Community Service & Support As a regional property, participation in Community life is imperative, not only for the wellbeing of our local residents but also for the survival of the hotel. As a...
Winner of the Best Quality Beer – Again!
Vine Inn Barossa is excited to have won Best Draught Beer - SA Country for the second year running at the AHA|SA 2019 awards on July 30, 2019. We're happy to be "beer proud" so all staff are trained to pour to a set standard. We insist that there is as much head...
Vine Inn Enters The Trip Advisor Hall of Fame
VINE INN BAROSSA EARNS 2019 TRIPADVISOR CERTIFICATE OF EXCELLENCE Vine Inn Barossa Community Hotel today announced that it has received a TripAdvisor® Certificate of Excellence. Now in its ninth year, the achievement celebrates businesses that are consistently...
Wine Tasting: Tips for the beginner and budding connoisseur
Educating yourself іn wіnе аррrесіаtіоn can bе аn exhilarating gоurmеt experience. Whіlе mаnу of uѕ wеrе not rаіѕеd tо drink wіnе dаіlу wіth a mеаl, wе dесіdе tо ѕtаrt drіnkіng it іn our аdult уеаrѕ as wе еxреrіеnсе fіnе fооd and fіnе restaurants. Nоw, we...
Easter & ANZAC Day Trading Hours
Good Friday, April 19, 2019 Changed Trading Hours Vine Garden Bistro: Breakfast 7am - 10am Lunch 12pm - 2:30pm Dinner 6pm - 8:30pm Bottleshop: 9am - 5pm Billy Jack's Bar: 7am until late. All day dining 11:30am - 8:30pm BOOKINGS PREFERRED. Contact 08 8562...
Christmas Rewards For Loyalty Club Members
HAVE A DRINK ON US THIS CHRISTMASFrom all the team at the Vine Inn Community Hotel, we wish you a very Merry Christmas. To thank-you for your loyalty throughout the year, we would like all loyalty club members to have a free drink on us.To RedeemThis offer...
Confessions of a Beer Tragic
Chris Linden of the Vine Inn Barossa Community Hotel describes himself as “a beer tragic. So it’s no surprise that he oversaw the construction of a purpose built keg room at the hotel four years ago. However, as every publican knows, it takes more than good equipment...
Over $3000 Raised For Farmers In Need
The Vine Inn Barossa Community Hotel has helped raised $3722.45 in donations for South Australian farmers after their month long participation in "Parma for a Farmer" campaign. The fundraiser accumulated $2563 in money directly from purchased parmas from the Vine Inn....
Parmer for a Farmer
A Hunger To Help The Vine Inn is one of your local hotels that has come on board the "Parma for a Farma" fundraising initiative to help those on the land struggling through drought conditions. The Vine Inn Barossa Community Hotle's assistant manager, Gabrielle...
Best Community Hotel – AHA|SA Awards 2018
We are proud to have been awarded the AHA|SA 2018 Award for Community Service & Support. While the operation of the hotel is a key priority, owing to the hotel's regional location and Community ownership, significant effort is expended with involvement...
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