Celebrating 10 Years of Service at The Vine Inn Barossa Community Hotel
So much to say about Chris Linden. He is now celebrating 10 years as CEO of the Vine Inn and has achieved such an impressive list of changes in the last decade, not just on the outside, but on the inside.(Referring to the Hotel not Chris!)
The Vine Inn Board of Directors want to acknowledge and celebrate some of Chris’ achievements over the past 10 years. Not only has he been a great leader for the Vine Inn team, but has completely changed the entire business. The Hotel has won over 14 SA Hotel Association awards (including 2 National awards), he has overseen the remodelling of the hotel, motel, and units. The conference venue and Bistro has been upgraded and the bar has been rebuilt to become Billy Jack’s Bar, Gaming and Courtyard. It looks amazing and is now serving the Award Winning best draught beer quality in country SA. The new gaming room has won awards, and the new Bottleshop proudly sells ice-cold beer even on hottest 44 degree days.
However, what is most important, is that beneath the surface of this astute business man, lies a heart of gold. He has turned around the financial status of the Hotel, which has allowed the Vine Inn to increase their contributions to the local community, which is what the Vine Inn is all about. Hundreds of thousands of dollars has been given back to people in need in the Barossa. Including sporting clubs and a number of worthwhile Barossa based causes.
So happy 10 year anniversary Chris, Thank you for your commitment and dedication to the entire Barossa community and we look forward to seeing what great things you will do for the Hotel in the future.